Gabriele Cesa
PhD candidate
(advised by Max Welling, Arash Behboodi, and Taco Cohen)
Institute of Informatics
University of Amsterdam
I am a PhD student at the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab (AMLab) with Max Welling and a Research Associate at Qualcomm AI Research with Taco Cohen and Arash Behboodi. In my research, I study how the geometry of a problem can be encoded into machine learning models to achieve improved data efficiency and generalization, with a particular focus on the task of 3D reconstruction from 2D observations.
Selected Publications
NeurIPSOn the symmetries of the synchronization problem in Cryo-EM: Multi-Frequency Vector Diffusion Maps on the Projective PlaneIn Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Dec 2022
NeurIPSGeneralization Bounds for Equivariant NetworksIn Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Dec 2022